Discovering Norway

I have been discovering Norway for a week now by driving from one interesting location to another. So far it has been a highly successful trip. I have seen and photographed many outcrops and managed to collect beautiful rock samples.

Today and also tomorrow I will visit outcrops around Bergen with a Norwegian geologist Ole Tjugen. He has read my blog before and kindly invited me to stay at his home and organized a field trip to interesting places around.

It is my first visit of this kind – to be hosted by someone who is a reader of my blog. I am glad to have that opportunity. It is a great chance to really see the best of what particular location has to offer and of course I can not deny that it is enjoyable to sleep in a bed after spending several days in a tent.

Siim Sepp Ole Tjugen
Here we are in front of an outcrop of metamorphosed anorthosite.

Quartzite conglomerate
We saw some wild geology today. Here is a very beautiful outcrop of conglomerate from the Ordovician. The clasts are slightly flattened but compositionally there is little change because the clasts are made of quartzite.